How much does it cost?

Along with the time commitment, there is also a considerable financial commitment, especially the first year. The costs below are approximate, but best to budget in the neighborhood of $700. Discounts on equipment are available through the National Ski Patrol.

  • The OEC course with books and materials ($50–$100)
  • CPR/AED course ($10)
  • You will need a pocket CPR mask ($5)
  • When you are officially on the patrol you will need to buy a red jacket for your uniform and your own fanny pack or backpack with first aid supplies ($150-$300, some replacement supplies are provided)
  • Helmet ($100)
  • NSP/patrol membership dues ($70 annually)
  • CPR/AED refresher certification ($10 annually)
  • Avalanche transceiver, shovel, avalanche probe, etc. ($300)
  • Optional supplies you may want to buy, but are not required to, are: a VHF radio/harness, ropes, sam splint, other medical supplies, etc.